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Thread: mi s-a pus pata pe un paludariu

  1. #71
    High member Zippy's Avatar
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    Uite si poza fara semnatura scoasa.
    Daca-l cheama Armands Končus si e din Latvia atunci da, el a facut paludariul
    Este un scape care a luat locul 2 in 2011 si locul 3 in 2012 la AGA la categoria de paludarii

    Informatii date de catre autor:

    "(...)In order this corner of nature looked as natural as possible, I took all decorative materials from nature and hided the equipment or left it outside. As the equipping, collecting of decorative materials, acquisition of plants and multiple alteration took a lot of time, it took about 10 months until this system could be concidered as finished.

    The paludarium is set up in a 430 liter fish tank (163 x 66 x 40 cm). There is a natural cork bark background attached inside and above the rear and the right side of the tank. The Paludarium has two land parts - one on the right side and one on the left rear corner.

    The land part consists of several layers. The lowest layer is gravel, which covers the whole bottom of the tank and the heating cable, then come the large stones and clay blocks, which are completely under water. The next one is the partly immersed clay ball layer. The top layer consists of house plant soil. Thanks to this kind of layer building technology, the soil is always moist, but not too wet.

    The water and the land parts aren’t hermetically separated. On the left side a piece of cork bark is used as a separator that doesn’t cover the whole boundary area, but on the right side there is a stone heap. There are a lot of small gaps between the stones, through which the water flows to the rear right paludarium corner going to external filter’s inflow pipe. The ending of the filter outflow pipe is located at the land part on the left side of the paludarium.

    An additional water flow comes from a water pump hidden on the right side of the water part and used for water pumping up to the dry land, where a small pond is created and decorated with stones, behind which an ultrasonic fogger is hidden. Through a riverbed the water flows in the main water part making a waterfall. There are also PH controller electrodes and a heating cable thermostat hidden near the water pump. Other equipment (external filter, external heater, CO2 system, misting system pump) is placed under the table.

    A lot of hiding places are available for inhabitants – there are many pieces of driftwood in the water, various plants and about 15 cm deep cave in the stone heap. The water part is also decorated with stones of different sizes. All these hideouts are used by the main owners of the paludarium: four dwarf puffers (Carinotetraodon travancoricus) - two males and two females, who have already managed to spawn here once. Puffers live well with shrimps, who carefully clean up all the remnants (remains of snails and bloodworms) after puffer mealtime.

    There are no inhabitants on the land part, excluding earthworms, snails and other small creatures brought from forest together with mosses. Sometimes I let my canary bird come here on a visit, he enjoys the water moisture and the warmth coming from the lamps, as well as dabbling in the river.

    The main part of the dry land cover creepers, which have climbed over the whole territory of the paludarium – dry land, cork bark walls, branches and all the other places they can reach. For example, Ficus pumila has crept out of the paludarium and climbed about one meter up the room wall. There are also plants growing in soil and those, which grow in a place containing only clay balls and pine bark layer with a poor mix of soil (dendrobium, vanilla orchid), and epiphytes, which I keep attached to the cork bark or fixed between the stones (tillandsies, mini phaelonopsis). Aquarium plants, which are growing on a dry land or immersed, for example, Hydrocotile leucocephala, Hydrocotile verticillata, Christmas moss, riccia, anubiases are also interesting.

    All the plants are lightened from the top for nine hours a day by JBL Solar 4 Star 4x80W lighting system hanging between willow branches and modified for use with two timers. At first, there are shining two lamps, then four and before the light turns off again - two. The strong lighting allows to grow not only terrestrial plants, but also demanding aquarium plants, for example, Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba", Pogostemon helferi etc.

    Of course, due to the strong lighting, a proper fertilizing and a CO2 injection is necessary. I am using a pressurized CO2 with external reactor. The CO2 injection is controlled by a PH controller (Dennerle Evolution DeLuxe), keeping PH level at 6,90. I am fertilizing my plants daily with micronutrient fertilizer F1, EasyLife Ferro, KNO3 and H2PO4. Every weekend before the water change (about 40% per week) I am taking tests (Fe, NO3, PO4) and, depending on the results, I am planning a dosage for the next week. There are also fertilizers in the gravel - Tetra Initial Sticks and JBL Balls. For water changes I am using tap water mixed with reverse osmosis water in a 1:1 ratio."
    Last edited by Zippy; 11-09-2013 at 21:42.
    So long, and thanks for all the fish

  2. #72
    Senior Dan Hîncea's Avatar
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    bai nea zippy?
    ai vre-un program de recunoscut foto pe net?
    da-mi si mie !!!

  3. #73
    High member Zippy's Avatar
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    Trebuie sa te pricepi la drag& drop

    Scuze de offtopic
    Last edited by Zippy; 11-09-2013 at 22:38.
    So long, and thanks for all the fish

  4. #74
    Base member bogdan.filip's Avatar
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    Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.
    It's all about love: Gibelio

  5. #75
    Base member ionutz.m's Avatar
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    paludariu am avut si eu pot sa zic ca e minunat! proiectul meu a fost low-cost,l-am facut dintr-un bazin pe care-l aveam deja...dar finalul m-a surprins. Am invatat multe din acest proiect si acum daca ar fi sa-mi fac alt paludariu ar iesi totul mai bine,oricum,sunt multumit de ce-am realizat. Sper sa vad cat mai multe paludarii pe la noi,macar o data in acest hobby trebuie incercat si un paludariu Multa bafta domnu Cristi si spor.

    Rimba-desfintat anul trecut prin luna mai.

  6. Likes kid1 liked this post
  7. #76
    Aquarium expert cristi_ionescu_79's Avatar
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    @ionutz.m: multumesc frumos de interventie. Imi poti da cat de multe detalii poti? De exemplu cum ai facut decorul, ce materiale ai folosit, ce echipamente ai folosit ... etc
    Si io mi-mic, dar la tucradio-acvariu everyday e BlackFriday .....
    - Dennerle - Giesemann - SunSun - Sera - EasyLife - Aquili - JBL - Dupla - Shirakura - NLS - VIMI - Kent Marine - Hydor - Prodibio - Seachem - Tropica - Hikari - Salty Shrimp - Jebao

  8. #77
    Base member ionutz.m's Avatar
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    Totul a inceput de la bataiile de cap,provocate de marimile acvariului,in care doream sa cresc plante, 100x30x55. Era prea ingust,si nu putea obtine un efect de profunzime...era prea inalt,si-mi trebuia lumina de calitate sa cresc ceva...
    Cum fondurile nu erau de partea mea,am renuntat la plante. Cu toate astea,am zis ca trebuie sa incerc macar paludariul,chiar daca n-o sa fie o reusita.Am prins ideea de paludariu si am stiudiat subiectul. In prima faza am luat la puricat toate siteurile si forumurile si articolele si ... tot.

    La inceput aveam 2 cai de urmat,ori il fac pe suport natural,bolovani,crengi,etc ori pe suport artificial,un background generos ce imita toate acestea,dar m-am decis asupra unui background artificial,realizat din poliester expandat.
    bun,sa incepem

    am incercat sa dau o forma de baza,iar in colt,filtrarea si incalzirea. va rog,nu lucrati cu poli, in casa.... eu am prins o zi in care era mama plecata...

    Buuun,dupa mai multe retusuri,putina joaca cu lumanarea,a iesit asa:

    am adaugat si niste mopani,am vrut sa-i integrez cumva,dar pana la urma n-au iesit tare bine...
    iar per total:

    cimentarea,a 2a zi..: adeziv lipit gresie/faianta,2 straturi.

    Dupa 2 zile de uscare,se aplica culorile.Am folosit oxizi de fier,combinati cu amorsa in loc de apa. Partii emerse am vrut sa-i dau un aer cat mai natural,si de aceea,am combinat maro cu galben.
    In partea submersa m-am gandit la negru,dar am zis sa-l las asa...mare greseala....
    cu putina rabdare,pensule,bureti,hartie,a iesit asa

    aceasta este platforma de pe care apa se scurge inapoi in acvariu...ce-i drept...n-a iesit bine din prima...

    lansarea la apa,din nou,greseli,am pus pietris....

    Pana aici a fost primul capitol....greseli peste greseli.Ghivece prea mici,partea submersa...culoare aiurea...plante putine si...aiurea si ele...
    Au urmat aproape 3 luni de studiere....alte planuri, idei noi.Am inceput din nou...dupa 3 luni,dimineata buna,am scos substratul,plantele,aparatura,tot tot. Am aplicat inca 2 straturi de culoare in partea de uscat,iar in partea submersa am folosit culoarea neagra.Am inlocuit pietrisul cu nisip fin.Cum inainte platforma pe care apa se prelinge,imi stropea geamul,si nu era nici cum,am spart partea respectiva si am reinoit totul.
    Cum era primavara,am luat rucsacul in spate,un briceag,mancare,si directia padure.Dupa o jumate de zi petrecuta prin munti si vai,aveam rucsacul plin de ferigi si muschi.
    Rezultatul la cateva saptamani dupa a2a lansare....

    In ghiveciul de deasupra cascadei urma sa adaug o iedera.

    Cu plantele de inceput,cu muschii si ferigile din padure,niste plante din florarie,am ajuns la rezultatul final.Mi-am facut cadou si o orhidee pitica,dar se pare ca florile n-au rezistat mult,plantadezvoltandu-se foarte bine.
    Tot ce am prins la mana am bagat in paludariu,pana si plantute de portocal si lamai am avut,ce-i drept,o duc de minune. lol Pe zi ce trece era tot mai natural,mai salbatic,plantele cresteau si radacinile erau peste tot.
    La partea tehnica,am stat cam prost,iluminarea a constat in 3x18w,830,filtru intern,incalzitor 50w,cooler pentru aerisire.

    Si un video de final...

    Sincer sa fiu,mi-a fost greu sa ma despart de el,desi nu a fost o lucrare foarte reusita,dar,in limita posibilitatilor am realizat un paludariu,sunt mandru de asta.Desi flora si fauna putea fi mai bogata...aparatura mai buna...a iesit binisor si m-am bucurat de el o perioada.Ba mai mult decat atat,la un moment dat mi-am pus in plan o instalatie de ploaie artificiala,un sistem de reciculare a apei,niste tevi prin decor,o filtrare ca la carte,dar motivul desfintarii,a ruinat ideeile.E un sentiment placut sa vezi cum diferite persoane raman cu gura cascata,un acvariu imi ziceau toti ca au mai vazut...colegii acvaristi din oras,vecinii,colegii,prietenii....pana si parintii,dar asa ceva nu
    Cel mai mult imi pare rau de faptul ca nu am avut un aparat bun...pozele si filmuletul sunt eronate,departe de realitate.Oricum,astept ziua in care o sa incep iarasi la un stiu cand o sa fie,dar o sa fie.Recomand tuturor acvaristilor asa ceva.

    Vreau sa va multumesc pentru atentia acordata,si sper ca v-am incatat privire pentru cateva minutele.Daca am facut ceva greseli,imi cer scuze. Daca cineva doreste sfaturi,sugetii,raspund cu placere Domnule Ionescu,imi pare rau pentru ca am scris un roman,sper sa-ti fie de folos si sper sa schimbam pareri iar mai ramane sa-l vedem pe al tau

    toate cele bune!

  9. Likes kid1, scorpionking liked this post
  10. #78
    High member Zippy's Avatar
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    Mai omule, eu stiu ca autocritica e buna, te ajuta sa ajungi la noi culmi dar....esti mult prea modest. Paludariul tau mi se pare foarte reusit! Si cum asta a fost doar prima incercare, abia astept sa vad ce o sa faci cu urmatorul. Jos palaria!
    So long, and thanks for all the fish

  11. #79
    Aquarium expert kirucd's Avatar
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    Da, asta e si parerea mea, felicitari Ionut si asteptam un topic cand te vei apuca
    de un alt paludariu

  12. #80
    Base member ionutz.m's Avatar
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    multumesc prieteni urmatorul nu stiu cand o sa fie,dar cu siguranta o sa fie candva,trebuie sa incerc tot ce n-am putut incerca in vechiul proiect sunt deschis intrebarilor si sper ca v-am fost de ajutor, numai bine!

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